
You’re About To Get A Ton Of New Leads…
But They Could Go To Waste ...
If You Don’t Have
THIS Proven System In Place

Watch the 7-minute video below!

The €7k Organic Sales Program
You Were Thinking About Investing In’... 
Condensed It Into A €197 Systematic Blueprint...

PLEASE READ THIS If You Want A High-Converting System That Generates Leads & Turns Them Into Clients FAST...

If you’re constantly hearing “I can’t afford it” on sales calls…

If every great month is followed by a dry period of low sales…
If you’re burning yourself out by manually creating leads and booking sales calls…
You might not be prepared for what will happen after you complete this course!
Sure, a huge surge of new leads SOUNDS great…
But if you don’t know how to identify motivated buyers and get consistent clients WITHOUT getting overwhelmed or running out of time, all of the results you’ve been looking forward to could slip through your fingers.
IMAGINE MAKING BANK From Your New Leads...
  • Waking up to an inbox full of messages from ideal prospects.
  • Having your first stack of qualified appointments.
  • Closing your first client…
  • Or even just waking up each day knowing you have the ability to generate any amount of appointments you desire and project your revenue for each week based on how many people you need to connect with.
However you define success, we want you to get it. No, we NEED you to see some results… And we want you to have control over your prospecting before diving into the next step.
And... Rather than giving you the "what", "why", "where", "who"... which just leaves you understanding the problem but with no tangible solution, we are going to actually show you "how".

We won't charge you €7k like most of our competitors do. Instead we will give you the system, then hope you check-in later so we can hold you accountable to proceed to the next steps.
Sound good?

In fact, If you go through the training we have laid out and don’t have complete unwavering certainty on the exact blueprint you need to generate clients through messenger. We will refund you in full - no questions asked.

How's that for confidence?

This Is MASSIVELY Important Because...

This program is the difference between knowing what to do and actually taking action...

And this is where the huge results show up.
How much easier would it be to get consistent clients if you had a system to automate the process - AND someone to walk you through the entire setup?
What would it feel like to receive applications from people wanting to work with you EVERY day?
What would it feel like to finally say, "I did it!"
What if you could PROVE to yourself and others that there are truly no limits to the kind of freedom you can create for yourself and your family?
What do you think your spouse and loved ones would say?
And how much more profitable and EXCITED would you be if you finally got that first 5-figure month (and entered the fast track to a million-dollar empire)?
This program is the key to getting all of the above and MORE.
I'd Like To Feature You As A Success Story!

Once you've completed this program and your business is thriving because of it...

I'd like to feature you as a case study.
I'm building an amazing collection of case studies from dozens of business categories, and I'd love to work with you.
Just imagine me interviewing you 6 months from now - and you sharing how you achieved your breakthrough year!
Understand. This is NOT a Guideline, It’s a Step by Step Blueprint.
Let’s be clear. 
This is not designed to be a basic guideline, this is a step by step system that anyone can follow. That means your mothers' 2 best friends should be able to follow this system to start producing appointments within the next few days IF they put in the work.

Be Honest. Which ONE Of These 8 Obstacles Are You Stuck On?

WARNING: Some Of This Will Hit Home... 
Especially If You Have Been An Entrepreneur For More Than A Year.

Obstacle #1 - 'The Perfect Group Myth'

Most programs will tell you how there are hundreds, even thousands of perfect groups out there. 
Groups full to the brim of wealthy prospects in need of your solution eagerly waiting for a quick value post... So they can flock to your dm's. 
This is what we were lead to believe, but in reality this 1st obstacle is where people get stuck. 
They spend more time trying to find the right prospect in groups and communities than they spend building an offer that will make any prospect the right prospect.
We call this a Customer Creation Offer and you will see how it brings such results. 
In fact you are in a Customer Creation Offer right now ;) 

Obstacle #2 - The 'Semantic Stretch' in Offer Creation

“What if there was an amazing opportunity where you could live life on YOUR terms?!”
I lost you didn't I? 
Like a card castle in the wind, all the authority and positioning I created with you just collapsed. 
Now what's crazy is that once upon a time, saying such a phrase may have been ground breaking.
"Live life on MY terms? No way!?" 
But then everyone started saying it. It completely lost its power, its potency. 
Immediately you think of a sleazy MMO or affiliate program right?
The scientific explanation for this is called a 'Semantic Stretch' and unfortunately the same way you feel about the above is exactly how your prospects feel when they see a title like this:
“I help X do Y without Z”.

Obstacle #3 - ‘Proven Swipe Files’ And Posting Templates 

Do your posts look like these? 


So do hundreds of others!
Everyone is walking around with the same ‘10 proven posting templates’ spamming the life out of groups and acting like doctors diagnosing problems when no one asked.
The minute you walk into a new Facebook group and throw out a mission post, story post or whatever post your coach tells you they tried... everyone knows what you're up to.
Maybe it worked before, but just like a Semantic Stretch, all the precious Swipe Files and Posting Templates have started to lose their power. 
2021 onwards, you need more than a few swipe files that everyone has access to...
What you need is a system to create high converting posts and content at scale… a system that you can teach others. 
Which brings me to the next obstacle...

Obstacle #4 - 'Profitable Niches' 

If I had a penny for every person I have met who has been burnt by a Done For You Agency accelerator program…
I would almost have enough money to finally buy Traffic Secrets.
GAH! Go close.
Seriously though, it’s insane how many business owners we meet who fall into this same trap.
Every time the story is the same.
  • They pay an outrageously large amount for a coaching program
  • They get advised what niches are ‘profitable’, let’s say HVAC for example.
  • All the students get advised to enter the same niche
  • They are given scripts
  • Everyone uses the same scripts across Linkedin, Cold email, Facebook ads until the ‘secret niche’ is steam rolled and the business owners of that niche are begging you to remove them from your list.
(Btw this is an actual real example)
Scripts only work well for the first 5, maybe 10 people that have them. 
After that every person who uses the script makes it less and less effective.
What you need is a framework. Something that you can optimise, adjust and re-use over and over. 
It never loses its potency, only gets better.

Obstacle #5 - Trying to Scale a Skillset

Most programs will teach you a skill set. 
You’ll learn how to position your offer, how to take sales calls…
How to choose a 'profitable' niche that everyone has already chosen. 
But then what?
Could you take the system you have built out, hire 2 VA’s and have them learn this process in 2 weeks to duplicate results?
Better yet, could you teach this system to a group of commission-based app setters and have them generate their own leads out of thin air, without your involvement or your swipe files? 
Probably not.
So how will you scale this skill? 
For most, this is the biggest obstacle stopping them from scaling. 
Systems beat skills any-day of the week.
Organic outreach can be scalable, but not as a skillset.

Obstacle #6 - The Curse Of Paid Traffic

“Ah man, I just need a few clients to get some money for ads and I'll be good”.
Sound familiar?
This is going to hurt some people but not in a bad way, more like a great session at the gym… where you just feel sore but also good at the same time. 
Okay ready?
Paid traffic is not a magic bullet.
I have seen paid ads ruin businesses. 
In fact...
Even when you are profitable with paid ads... chances are you're still robbing yourself of identifying a truly lethal offer by skipping organic methods to validate it. 
This will bite you later. 
Let me explain this:
  • You spend $300 and generate 30 leads.
  • Out of 30 leads, you close 1 for $1500.
  • You just spent $300 to make $1500 (whoa) - do you now have a license to print money with your offer?
    When is the SMMA course dropping ? 
Most would say heck yeah, let’s scale this winner.
In reality the answer is a fat no.
Fact is if you speak to 30 people and only 1 person likes your offer... That is not a winner.... It's a poor offer.
Another person who does the research and validates their offer organically first, will run laps around your offer. 
They will see key details that you never could.
They won't play the numbers game, they will play the value game. 
Then they will build a ‘self liquidating’ offer which means their ads are paid for and they can spend 5x more than you to get a better quality audience.
By the time most have these gaps figured out, a self liquidating offer would have already taken the lion share of the market and addressed pain points you never could.
Paid ads won’t fix a bad offer.

Obstacle #7 - Copywriting is Not Actually So Much About The Writing...

Try this exercise and think for 5 seconds at least about each word.
  • Russel Brunsen.
  • The taste of watermelon.
  • The definition of truth.
Notice how each word triggers a different feeling related to your thoughts? 
Russell Brunsen might trigger memories of books you have read even posts or people you have seen inside the Click Funnels groups on Facebook... 
The taste of watermelon on the other hand, might bring up a memory of summertime or whenever you last tasted watermelon with your family or friends.
Now, when thinking about the definition of truth, your mind goes to a completely different place. It will likely pull from memories to create a definition of what truth is to you. Not search for some text book definition. 
Each memory feels different, right? 
That is because our memory is less like a filing cabinet and more like velcro.
The memories, experiences and emotions we have, create these ‘loops’ and all it takes is one idea with enough ‘hooks’ for something to truly stick into our minds and take action.
This is actually called the ‘Velcro Theory of Memory’ and it was when I discovered this phenomenon, I spent less time trying to write like Hemingway and instead spent more time learning how to identify the ‘loops’ of my customer. 
I then taught VA’s the same tactics... and even in the beginning if their ads/posts were poorly spelt, it still generated ridiculous results. More than the competitor. 
So, why is this relevant?
Well, great copywriting isn't about sounding smart or even making great stories…
to be honest, contrary to most what most copywriters teach, you don’t have to understand Stephen Kings, 'On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft' to be a great copywriter...
Well not to make money at least...
Copywriting Is about finding the biggest problems and desires of your prospect then creating targeted messaging to make something stick and take action.
That's the ticket.
And guess what?
It's not a skill that only you can do after doing your morning affirmations...
It's something you can completely systemise and delegate.
Lightning bulb yet? Got that 'aha' moment?
Let's keep going.
Most programs teach you messaging and templates focused all around the presentation and the ‘writing’...
...but it’s actually understanding how to identify these ‘loops’ of the customer and reverse engineer hooks that make it all work.
There is a science behind why some well written 1,000 word value posts completely flop in groups...
While some 10 word posts get 250 comments.
If nothing else, please remember: ‘copywriting is like velcro’.
Obstacle #8 - People Never Learn Why Something Does Not Work. 
Can you honestly go through all your duds, look at the level of engagement, or the clicks to your ads then diagnose the exact problem?
Are you guilty of writing a story post then quickly deleting it after getting 3 likes and a comment from a family friend saying “So true man, let’s catch up soon haha”
Well, then you're only doing half the work.
Most programs give their students proven winning templates, they can fill out and see instant results absolutely guaranteed...if it flops then just post in another group.
What we do differently is provide frameworks to teach our students how to optimise. We then encourage them to fail and eventually, they see the patterns to win. 
We call this GAP Optimisation.

Our theory (which we tested) is this:
When someone publishes a Facebook ad, writes a post or even sends an email to their list...
And it flops.
The someone on the other end still received it and read it.
It was not that your copy was so bad that it just imploded and no one ever saw it.
In-fact it’s the opposite.
The way you wrote your copy attracted a specific type of person and the fact they never took action means that you did not give them what they needed to convert.
We call this ‘the gap’.
Identify that type of person, and you will be able to find the gap stopping them from taking action.
Example, right now this sales page was written mostly for what we call ‘a wanter’.
This is someone who no matter how much social proof, accolades or Cameo videos with Mr Wonderful we create…
They still won’t take action.
They know it most likely works…
They know it makes total sense… but they don’t think it can work for them. That's the gap. 
So our first priority should be focused on 'How can we show it works for them in detail and create accountability' not 'how can we prove it works with more case studies'. 
GAP Optimisation is a system that anyone can learn.
This is the magic dust that allows us to turn anyone into a master at generating leads. It's teaching them optimisation, then setting them up to fail so they can win. 

We did the hard work…

Then, we just failed hard and failed forward.... As they say in Silicone Valley.
If you give it your all, you will find a way.
If you're driven and focused.
The question is never IF... But when will you figure this out?
(This is where we illustrate the cost of doing nothing btw)
No, but seriously. It's just how it is.
There is no magic wand to make this work.
There is no software or 'tool kit'.
And quite frankly, there is no magic niche that won't require you to work your butt off.
You can go into Chiropractors, HVAC, Real Estate, Beauty Spa’s, literally whatever SMMA you want.
But you will still have to work hard.
So, there is no answer. No magic work around.
Not the feel good story you were hoping for?
Well here is what there is.
  • Systems.
  • Frameworks.
  • Accountability.
And that is what we are offering.
Better yet, we are not going to teach you a skill that makes the business only about you, making you the biggest bottleneck.
Instead we are going to give you a system to learn, then teach someone else.

Then build a team, so that they can teach someone else.

Then from that you can scale.
Sound good?

I think you get the point.
Let's get into this system that costed us so much time and money to create.
The Simple Method We Use to Book 4-8 Appointments per Day without an Offer or Avatar Fleshed Out.
I know your conditioned to spend 20+ hours researching and refining the perfect irresistible offer and avatar (but hear me out). 
The BEST possible way to build, research and validate an offer is by speaking to prospects. 
We are going to show you how to generate up to 4+ appointments per day by using a painfully simple exercise. Often from this exercise alone, we have seen people close high ticket clients. 
It's a simple, repeatable method that you (or anyone can your team can do). It's designed for over-thinkers to see results almost instantly. 
When you have 5-8 prospects busting down your door to hear how you can help them THEN you may start work on your offer refinement.  
The Method we Use to Quickly Identify the Deepest Hidden Pains and Desires of Your Prospects. 

80% of making this whole thing work is about learning how to identify pains, desires, obstacles, common beliefs and steroids then create hyper targeted messaging. 
We are going to show you the exact research method and complete system we use to do this. 
The system works. After learning The Social Outreach System, you will have the knowledge and system to to use over and over to create high converting offers, scripts, posts, ads, emails. Whatever you want. 
It's a fundamental that has allowed us to turn anyone into a master in persuasion. 
Using this framework you will even be able to create your own scripts, and pass them down to a commission-based appointment setting team who will go out and generate then close their own leads. 
This is an accountability group, we have set-up with assigned coaches and advisors who will literally force you to succeed using this program. 
No we don't throw you in a Facebook™ group where we make 1-2 posts a week and the rest you figure out. 
This is daily accountability, next actions, trouble shooting and follow-up. 
We have set this up to ensure with complete unwavering certainty that you get results. 
This is a  € 197. offer but with a €7k+ level of treatment.
We want you to succeed. 
  • My Complete, Step-By-Step 5-Figure Social Outreach  System (including a fill-in-the-blanks client-generating system so you can scale your business WITHOUT running out of time)
  • ​All Of My Proven Templates For Social Outreach and  Lead Generation (that cost me thousands of dollars and countless hours to create, test, and perfect)
  • We are going to give you everything you need to go out and generate your first few clients completely organically. In fact after this program, our hope is that you never buy another online course again. 
  • The Social Outreach Method is a customer outreach system designed to get results, extremely fast. 
  • Unlike any other program/coure/system, we don’t just give the what, why, where but the how. This is completely over-the-shoulder training with added accountability and coaching to ensure with complete unwavering certainty that you get results. 
  • Rather than just giving you some scripts, templates and throwing you in a group with dozens of other clueless people, we are going to do the following. 
When you sign up for the course, you’ll gain instant access to all of the above (which I previously only shared with my private coaching clients who pay over €15,000).
You can get this exclusive training for just €197.
**This is your ONLY CHANCE to purchase this training. It isn’t available anywhere else at any other price.**
Click the button below if you want a high-converting Social Outreach System that generates leads and turns them into clients FAST!
Add To Order For Just € 197
No Thanks, I'm good all by myself

All rights reserved @2020 Mindful Marketing