As a business you have the initial weight of the world on your shoulders, paired with a lack of experience and daily challenges!
And that can be tough!
As an entrepreneur, it's exciting to go it alone and create something on your own.
However, the reality is that, while you have a great idea, you may not know exactly what you should be doing with your business at which times to develop it into a sustainable business.
Here are reasons why you need someone like a mentor:
- Mentors provide information and knowledge. As Benjamin Franklin said, "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."
- Mentors can see where we need to improve where we often cannot. Movie maker George Lucas noted, "Mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults that we would like. It's the only way we grow." They will always be brutally honest with you and tell you exactly how it is rather than downplay any weaknesses they see in you.
- Mentors find ways to stimulate your personal and professional growth. Another famous movie director explained, "The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves."
- Mentors offer encouragement and help keep us going. Inspirational entrepreneur Oprah Winfrey stated, "A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself."
- They are there no matter what and offer moral support sprinkled heavily with cheerleading.
- Mentors are disciplinarians that create necessary boundaries that we cannot set for ourselves. Being an entrepreneur can be challenging when it comes to self-motivation and self-discipline and a mentor can teach you good work habits and provide the boundaries to work within. This solidified your work ethic, sharpens your focus and clarify your priorities.
- Mentors are sounding boards so we can bounce ideas off them for an unfiltered opinion.
- Mentors are trusted advisers. In the world of business, it can be hard to know who to trust - and that you can trust someone, especially with proprietary information or intellectual property. Having an objective third-party with no stake in any idea or venture, can be a relief, knowing everything you share will be kept as confidential.
- Mentors have the experiences you can learn from to prevent making the same mistakes beginners make. Starting a business is challenging enough, so if you can skip doing things the hard way, why wouldn't you? A mentor has been there, right where you are, and has made numerous mistakes that they can now use as a basis for helping others to skip the devastating effects of not knowing.
- Mentors are priceless in more ways than one.
When I was starting out, I had no idea what was involved in running a business, including making a business plan, budgeting, handling daily operations, making strategic decisions or running a marketing campaign. With a mentor there from the start, I tapped into a wealth of knowledge that got me up to speed faster and shortened that learning curve.
This constructive criticism that my mentor offered helped me to see things in myself that I could not recognize. I appreciated that insight because I didn't want someone to pad my ego. Instead, I wanted to know exactly where I was lacking so I could improve those areas.
A mentor will help set various goals and then let you loose to see if you can accomplish them on your own, all the while watching from a distance to see how these projects help you to develop.
A mentor will also keep you focused on mindset, mindfulness and values, which to help you nurture your personal growth as well as your leadership abilities.
Having a mentor is not a sign of weakness; it shows you are smart enough and are driven enough to succeed.
No one is too good or too successful to have a mentor.
You are never too old, clever or experienced to have a mentor.
Most successful people have mentors.
Some of the biggest names in business have always had mentors and taken advice and guidance from their mentors.
For instance, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg etc., all have had mentors and still have them.
You would be amazed that most successful people have probably been mentored at some point in their lives.
Mentoring empowers!
The more you understand the process of mentoring, the more you realise that it’s no surprise that some of the most successful and influential people in the world can easily tie their defining moments in live back to a strong mentoring relationship they had or still have.
Enjoy further speed of growth thanks to weekly mentoring sessions, with a highly experienced business growth expert.
Get extra speed to growth, with weekly mentoring sessions.
The price of this 1on1 mentoring is ONLY in conjuntion with group coaching sessions.